by admin | Nov 24, 2020 | Dental Care
If you have experienced tooth loss, it is important that you fix them as soon as possible. A prolonged missing tooth can cause the rest of your teeth to shift and the deterioration of the jaw bone. This can lead to misalignment that affects chewing, jaw joint...
by admin | Oct 30, 2020 | Dental Advice
Flossing and brushing teeth twice a day is an important part of a dental care regime. However, they are not the only factor that contributes to your overall dental health. Eating a healthy diet, avoiding tobacco intake, using the right dental products, and brushing...
by admin | Oct 29, 2020 | Dental Advice, Dental Care
Apart from age, there are various factors that can lead to tooth loss, including poor oral health and an accident. Losing a tooth at an unexpected time, can leave you with many worries and pain. Thankfully, there are measures that you can take to save a tooth and fix...
by admin | Feb 3, 2020 | Dental Care
Implant locators are used to help retain the lower denture in place. As few as 2 implants, in this case we used 3, are used and drilled into the jaw bone, beneath the gums, and act as anchors for the denture. If you are interested in implants or an implant supported...
by admin | Jan 27, 2020 | Dental Advice
As we roll into 2020 it is important to remember to make your 6 month teeth cleaning visits. During that visit always let me know if you have any of these symptoms: .